Course Benefits
This course is a mandatory requirement for people working the care sector.
The course is recommended by Skills for Care as minimum standards for people working in social care.
The course is recognised by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) as minimum standards that people working in social care need to meet before they can safely work unsupervised.
This course meets the Health and Safety module of the mandatory care certificate and the old Common Induction Standards (CIS).
The course meets all the knowledge criteria for Unit 8 of the QCF (NVQ) Diploma in Health & Social Care – Promote and Implement Health And Safety In Health and Social Care.
The course meets all the Health and Safety outcomes of the Certificate in Preparing to Work in Adult Social Care qualification otherwise known as the technical certificate.
The course can be used for credit transfer or Recognition of prior learning (RPL) to Unit 8 of the Technical Certificate in Health & Social Care – Understand health and safety in social care settings
The course can be used for credit transfer or Recognition of prior learning (RPL) to Unit 8 of the QCF (NVQ) Diploma in Health & Social Care – Promote and Implement Health and Safety In Health And Social Care
The Course has credit value under the QCF framework and recognized throughout the United Kingdom and Europe.
Course Objective
This course helps those who work in a wide range of care settings. It provides the knowledge required to understand areas of health and safety required to working in a social care setting.
Learning outcomes
At the end of this course, learner must be able to:
Understand the different responsibilities relating to health and safety in social care settings.
Understand risk assessments and their importance in relation to health and safety.
Understand procedures for responding to accidents and sudden illness.
Understand how to reduce spread of infection.
Understand how to move and handle equipment and other objects safely.
Understand the principles of assisting and moving an individual.
Understand how to handle hazardous substances.
Understand how to promote environmental safety procedures in the social care setting.
Understand how to manage stress.
Understand procedures regarding handling medication.
Understand how to handle and store food safely.
Course Contents
Module 1: Different responsibilities relating to health and safety in social care settings.
Module 2: Risk assessments and their importance in relation to health and safety.
Module 3: Procedures for responding to accidents and sudden illness.
Module 4: How to reduce spread of infection.
Module 5: How to move and handle equipment and other objects safely.
Module 6: Principles of assisting and moving an individual.
Module 7: Understand how to handle hazardous substances.
Module 8: Understand how to promote environmental safety procedures in the social care setting.
Module 9: Understand how to manage stress.
Module 10: Understand procedures regarding handling medication.
Module 11: Understand how to handle and store food safely.
Assessment Methods
This course can be assessed by a wide range of methods, depending on the level and
mode of study. Methods available include but not limited to the following:
Written Assignment
Multiple choice question (online only)
Professional discussion
Witness Testimony
Guided learning hours
An average of 20 hours is recommended for this course.